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Eglwys St Gwenllwyfo Church, Dulas

Eglwys y Santes Gwenllwyfo

Mae eglwys Santes Gwenllwyfo wedi ei lleoli yng nghefn gwlad mewn ardal o harddwch naturiol eithriadol yn agos at aber Dulas a llwybr yr arfordir. Mae gan yr eglwys feindwr uchel, sy’n weladwy o bell.

Ym 1854 rhoddodd y Fonesig Gertrude Dinorben o ystâd Llys Dulas y tir a swm sylweddol o arian tuag at adeiladu’r eglwys, a gwblhawyd yn 1856. Mae’r enw yn gyfuniad o Gwen/y lliw gwyn a’r goeden o’r enw llwyfen, neu elm yn Saesneg.

Mae’r eglwys ganoloesol flaenorol, sydd bellach yn adfail, wedi ei lleoli tua thri chwarter milltir i’r de-ddwyrain o’r adeilad presennol.

Mae eglwys Santes Gwenllwyfo yn enwog am ei phaneli gwydr Ffleminaidd o’r 16eg ganrif. Mae’r eglwys yn croesawu ymwelwyr o bob cwr o’r byd a darperir teithiau tywys.

Mae’r paneli gwydr yn tarddu o glasty Abaty Carthusiaidd yn Leuven, Fflandrys, ac fe’u prynwyd gan Syr Thomas Neave o Dagnam Park, Essex tua diwedd y 18fed ganrif.

Yn dilyn hynny, priododd ŵyr Syr Thomas, Syr Arundell Neave, yr Anrhydeddus Gwen Gertrude Hughes, a daeth yn berchennog ystâd Llys Dulas. Ym 1877, rhoddodd Syr Arundell Neave y paneli gwydr i’r eglwys.

Mae rhan o weddill ffenestri lliw Fleminaidd Neave i’w gweld yn Amgueddfa Fetropolitan Efrog Newydd, y V&A yn Llundain ac yng Nghasgliad Burrell, Glasgow.

Y pentref agosaf i’r eglwys yw Penysarn, sy’n cynnwys Capel y Bedyddwyr, swyddfa bost, siop ac ysgol gynradd.


Cynhelir gwasanaethau Cymraeg ar ail a phedwerydd dydd Sul y mis ac mae dysgwyr Cymraeg yn mynychu ac yn cymryd rhan.


Mae’r gymuned leol bob amser yn tyrru i’r Gwasanaeth Gŵyl y Cynhaeaf, yn ogystal â gwasanaeth Nadolig Naw Llith a Charol.


Saint Gwenllwyfo Church

The church of Santes Gwenllwyfo is situated in a country setting in an area of outstanding natural beauty close to the Dulas estuary and the coastal path. The church has a tall spire, which is visible from afar.

In 1854 Lady Gertrude Dinorben of the Llys Dulas estate gave the land and a substantial sum of money towards the building of the church which was completed in 1856. The name means Saint Gwen of the elms.

The previous medieval church, now a ruin, is situated approximately three quarters of a mile south east of the present building.

Santes Gwenllwyfo church is renowned for its 16th century Flemish glass panels. The church welcomes visitors from all over the world and guided tours are provided.

The glass panels originate from the cloisters of a Carthusian Abbey at Leuven, Flanders and were purchased by Sir Thomas Neave of Dagnam Park, Essex towards the end of the 18th century.

Subsequently Sir Thomas’ grandson Sir Arundell Neave married The Hon. Gwen Gertrude Hughes and became the owner of the Llys Dulas estate. In 1877 Sir Arundell Neave gave the glass panels to the church.

Part of the remainder of the Neave Flemish glass is to be found in the Metropolitan Museum New York, the V&A London and the Burrell Collection, Glasgow.

The nearest village to the church is Pen y Sarn which contains a Baptist Chapel, post office, shop and junior school.


Welsh services are held on the second and fourth Sunday of the month and Welsh learners attend and participate.


The Harvest Festival Service is always well attended by the local community as is the Christmas service of Nine Lessons and Carols.