Digwyddiadau bywyd
Ar gyfer pob cam o’n bywydau, mae’r Eglwys yno gyda chi, ond mae adegau penodol sy’n fwy amlwg i ni, fel dathlu priodas; bedydd plentyn; neu angladd un o'n hanwyliaid.
Byddem yn falch iawn o’ch helpu a’ch cefnogi chi drwy’r digwyddiadau bywyd hyn, gan fod gennym gyfoeth o brofiad o arwain a chefnogi pobl drwy rai o’r cyfnodau gorau, yn ogystal â’r cyfnodau anoddaf yn eu bywydau.
Bydd y tudalennau hyn yn rhoi gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i chi am rai o’r rhai allweddol, ond mae llawer o rai eraill lle mae teulu eich eglwys yma i’ch helpu a’ch cefnogi. Gan hynny, rydym yn eich annog i gysylltu ag un o'r clerigion ar y dudalen cysylltiadau neu ddod i un o’n gwasanaethau.
Cewch yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar ein tudalen Facebook.
Life events
For all stages of our lives, the Church is with you, but there are particular moments that stand out for us, like the celebration of a wedding; the christening (Baptism) of a child; or a funeral for a loved one.
We would love to help and support you through these life events, as we have a wealth of experience with guiding and supporting people through some of the best times, as well as the most difficult times in their lives.
These pages will give you useful information on some of the key ones, but there are many others where your church family is here to help and support you. Therefore, we encourage you to contact a member of the clergy on the contacts page or come along to one of our services.
Please see our Facebook page for up-to-date information.